m1 m2

m1 m2m1 m2
  1. One-half m1 m2 divided by m1 plus m2 times v1 squared .


  2. If m2 becomes infinitely high , m1 m2 you get one-half m1 v1 squared .


  3. - and you have to massage the algebra a little bit & m2 minus one-half m1 m2 divided by m1 plus m2 times v1 squared .


  4. Since you also know the periods , you can find what m1 plus m2 is .


  5. In vitro antibacterial activity of synthetic M1 , M2 acquired the same results .


  6. Theoretical study of forbidden M1 , M2 , E2 transitions for highly charged Ni-like ions


  7. Secondly , M1 , M2 and M3 were applied to immobilize laccase .


  8. The MA of influenza A virus , including M1 and M2 , has a stable structure during the evolution of virus .


  9. Two mixing cultures of cellulose decomposing microorganisms , M1 and M2 were isolated by filter paper plating and shaking method .


  10. Clearly the mass is the sum of the two this force acts on both a so we get m1 plus m2 times a.


  11. When the value of M1 / M2 increases , the pressure of inflation will increase and economy is liable to get overheated .


  12. The short-term dynamic equations of M1 and M2 in stage one are steady , but the equations of them in stage two are less steady .


  13. Effects of M1 and M2 Frosts to Demodex Mite


  14. At the end of last year , the money liquidity ratio ( M1 / M2 ) stood at 39.5 percent , the highest since 1997 .


  15. By empirical study , this paper indicates that there are positive relationships among inflation , M0 , M1 , M2 and the growth rate of loan .


  16. M1 and M2 are two different martensite variants with diverse elastic strain energy and lattice distortions , which transformation to austenite at different temperatures .


  17. Let M1 and M2 be finite von Neumann algebras with normal faithful normalized traces τ 1 and τ 2 respectively .


  18. For m1 and m2 in there .


  19. Compared with the parents , the phenotype of M1 and M2 showed shorter on plant height and ear length , less plumpness of seed .


  20. Chapter four studies the impact to inflation and economy growth of different lay of monetary supply ( M0 , M1 , M2 ) and interest rate by econometrical method .


  21. M1 and M2 loci , D1 and D2 loci have the same gene frequency , genotype frequency , expected heterozygosity and polymorphic information content .


  22. The empirical results show that , there exists a long-term and steady cointegration relationship between M1 / M2 , income , interest rate , expected price and monetary degree variable .


  23. M1 and M2 indirectly effect the stock market through GDP but no transmition mechanism is formed stock market is a weakly exogenous variable in the cointegration vector .


  24. Results show that after low-dose-rate β irradiation , some tumor cells can reverse into mortality stage M1 or M2 cells which express SA - β - Gal.


  25. The results showed that : Activities of SOD and CAT of flower was increased by 60Co γ - ray irradiation . The SOD and CAT of M1 and M2 flower were different .


  26. The mature pollens of 10 maize varieties ( lines ) were treated with EMS . The induction effects on the germinating rates , the physiological damage of M1 and M2 were studied .


  27. The refined structural parameters indicate that in Mg-Cr2 + olivines Cr2 + is almost randomly distributed over the two non-equivalent octahedral sites ( M1 and M2 ) ;


  28. These results suggest that the changes of electric activity of PVN mediated by α and M1 and M2 receptors can be antagonized by scopolamine separately through blockade of those receptors .


  29. Conclusion : DA regimen is recommended as the regimen of choice for M1 , M2 and M3 while MA should be the regimen of choice for in M4 and M5 .


  30. As currently developed countries do not make laws and regulations of rear-end collision of the occupant protection , only the passenger frontal impact occupant protection laws and regulations , but only M1 and M2 class passenger .
